Sagar Malik

Sagar Malik

Malik’s career in the car wash industry started in his early years when he worked at a small tyre shop and car wash in his hometown of Indri in North India. After moving to Australia in 2013, he gained experience managing multiple car wash sites and training newly hired staff and business owners with no previous experience. Malik was dedicated to learning about the latest technologies and innovations in the industry. He even taught himself to use CAD to improve the way car washes were designed. Malik continuously keeps himself up to date with the changes in technology to ensure that car washes are built to be future-proof.

In 2016, Malik was appointed as National Car Wash Sales’ Business Development Manager where he was responsible for optimising processes and facilitating the company’s expansion. During his time at National Car Wash Sales, Malik was able to hone his skills in identifying opportunities to improve the car wash industry, which inspired him to establish his own company.

In 2019, Malik established Tap N Go Pty Ltd, a cashless payment system that helps automated businesses such as car washes, laundries, and vending machines to expand their operations. Today, Tap N Go Pty Ltd has over 1150 terminals across 120 car wash and laundry businesses Australia wide. Malik’s vision for Tap N Go Pty Ltd is to help automate the cashless payment system across multiple industries, making it a convenient and easy option for consumers.

Sagar Malik

Our Ambition Our Vision

Malik envisions a revolutionary transformation in the car wash industry of Australia through Car Wash Developers. His goal is to expedite the distribution and acceptance of automated car washes in order to transform the way they are built and operated, and to drive the industry forward. Malik brings with him extensive experience and expertise in the industry, and is determined to lead the way towards a better and more efficient future for car wash businesses. He believes that Car Wash Developers can be a game changer for the industry, and he is committed to making this vision a reality.

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